What the "Faction Server" is:
It's a PvP (Player vs Player) server where you have to craft your own gear, battle with other players, make your base to store your items, and of course, GET RAIDED! You can also join a faction that consists of other players and together you can conquer the PvP world. This server will use many custom coded plugins by our Plugin Dev.
To-Do List:
(Bold things are more important)
- Building/creating the world(s).
- Artist/Drawer for website.
- Beta Testers.
- Staff.
- Advertising (YouTube videos/trailers for example)
- Banner Designer
- Logo Designer
Minecraft Name:
What you want to do: (Look at the "To-Do" list)
About yourself: (Previous experience for example, More pictures the better.)
Contact way: (Skype, mail etc.)
Past Experience: (Have you done this before?)
Experience Level: (1-10)
Things we have done so far:
- Got a Host, 6GB, DDOS Protected.
- Got a Mumble
- Got a Website (But not done)
- Plugins (Half way, then we need to configure)
- Plugin Developer
Things we are working on now:
- Building Spawn/Finding Builders
- Finishing the Website
- Making Voting System
- Donation Ranks/Rewards
- A Few Plugins
- Getting Staff
- Beta/Alpha Testers
- Advertisement
- Finding GFX Artist
- Making Logo+Banner
Daily Bump
Minecraft Name: xStream_MC
Age: 15
What you want to do: (Look at the "To-Do" list) Banner Designer/Logo Designer
About yourself: (Previous experience for example, More pictures the better.) Ive done alot of work before but i got a new computer and i havent really done any art on this computer so i have nothing saved, but i can make some quick art and send to you if you contact me on skype and such.
Contact way: (Skype, mail etc.) Skype - Streetarn1337 ( if 2 people pop up add the one with name Dewboatiz
Past Experience: (Have you done this before?) Yes ive done gfx for alot of servers/youtube channels and more.
Experience Level: (1-10) 8
Daily Bump
Daily Bump
Daily Bump
WoM Coins: 1
Minecraft Name: noahack88
Age: 13 but very responsible
What you want to do: (Look at the "To-Do" list) Building and creating the world and advertising.
About yourself: (Previous experience for example, More pictures the better.) I have been mod and builder on servers before sadly those went down and I have been trying to find a new server to help on. I am a very successful builder and that is why I have been builder on other servers. I do not have any pictures of my builds sadly because my computer had to get cleaned out and I lost all my screenshots.
Contact way: (Skype, mail etc.) I have email, skype and a phone.
Past Experience: (Have you done this before?) Yes as I said I have been staff on other servers before so I know what to do.
Experience Level: (1-10) 8