I need some builders and admins so please reply and apply to be one of my realm staff. Please use the following template
In-Game name:
Position wanted (Builder admin. etc.):
TimeZone(so i know when you'll be on):
i dont really care which one
and my timezone is eastern america/canada time i guess u could call it
Yeah I can help you. On almost all day. ign is Sephiroth878. Admin would be the position im looking for. im in Central time zone, and i am 23. Experienced minecraft builder/user.
In Game Name: Pobbleblaster
In-Game name:ProSmudge
Position wanted : Admin
TimeZone(so i know when you'll be on):Pacific Time (US & Canada)
hey id like to be one. i dont care which. Im on when i can be if my mom or sister isn't on. I'm 14 and i live in ohio, america which is located on the east coast. im an experienced builder. if you want to see some of my work, go to /realm Sarbina. thanx for taking the time to read my post.
Alot want to be admins lets test out your building on the 10th of august come to my realm 3 day build contest for my clan you can join in without joining the clan lets say top 3 get admin or top 2 and rest adv and if someone does 1 block as thier build they get nothing or maybe build!
I'll take any position but my timezone is Central so i get on 1-3 hours a day so that's it.
WoM Coins: 10
Hmmm so my ign is raorm