I recently made a server running MCsharp and I was wondering how to add multiple levels ( using command /load <level> and /goto <level>. As far as I know , there isn't any .lvl map editor , does that mean I have to make the map in-game? Omen does not support .lvl so I really have no idea how to put different levels.
Go here to get it
The hyperlink does not work. What was the program called?
If you make a map in omen and save it as a .dat level you can go to mcSharps website — http://crafted.voziv.com/ — and download the converter. Extract it and put the .dat level you made in the converter folder and start it and enter the name of the map incuding the .dat. It will convert. Done!
To convert it to a .dat file use the dump level button on the minecraft client. Done!
you can also make a map while you ingame i think the command was /newlvl <level name> <length x> <height y> <width z> <type> - creates a new level of the specified
type. Valid types are flat, pixel, island, mountains, forest, and ocean.
(ex. /newlvl Underwater 128 64 128 ocean) hope its use full to you
edit : i think i got a dat to lvl convertor on my pc . can you upload it to this site ? im new to World of Minecraft (well the forum)
edit 2 : sry deleted the ziped file well here is the site http://crafted.voziv.com/index.php?module=mcsharp
Where do i find the .dat file after i dump it?
If you are using the World of Minecraft client then .dat files will be dumped into the same folder that contains the client .bat file and lib folder.
well, i tried this and 'invalid magic number' :S
Download link changed for dat to lvl conveter. It's now: http://www.minecrafted.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=9
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Is their isn't a map converter for it, you will have to make each map for it in game.