seems to be minecrafts main webpage was hacked. tried to access it and all that pops up is link that says "click here!" which is an obvious redirect to a trojan. Also it will go to a blank page that just says:
"Welcome to nginx!
anyone else having this issue?
Didn't know he had a blog. Thx
nahh hes just speculating its not an attack. however if its not then why are there popups of clickable links that redirect to a trojan?
i ain't got a virus
i dont see links but it isnt up and i just got the client wrapper D:
i think the link got fixed that said "click here!" now it seems to just say
Welcome to nginx!
nginx is the server host, and the server host has problems, thats why the minecraft website is off
No wonder i was playing using the client makining an epic, EPIC kraken with a friend then POOF lost connection and it still doesnt work D: i need my minecraft fix >.> <.<
that sucks thier host let notch down... that just completely sucks...
NGINX is just the webserver software which is faster and more lightweight than the popular apache.
WoM has been running NGINX from day 1.
I take back everything i said, there was a hack, according to notch, he is now hiring a linux guru :P
WoM Coins: -4
There never has been a hack, the server host is having problems. read Notch's blog ;)