ErrantCraft is a challenging mostly vanilla experience with greif protection using the towny plugin. PVP Greifing, Stealing, Raiding, Player Traps, ect. are all allowed on ErrantCraft. Start with nothing and build or join a great town and a vast Empire. This server will never be reset so anything you build could be there forever. The server owner and moderators don't fly or have any advantage. ErrantCraft has a very cool fresh new map with many of the newer interesting biomes(such as mesa, Ice plaines spikes, Mega Taiga, Mushroom Island and more) near the server spawn. We are looking to add active server staff so if you play on the server for a while and enjoy the format and follow the server rules then you may be considered for server staff. Check the ErrantCraft website ( Login with
You can now Craft Horse Armor, Saddles and Nametags on ErrantCraft
PVP Allowed :)
Check out this biome south of the server spawn beyond the Jungle
ErrantCraft is looking to add to the already great staff we have
This Server is Rated G
I will pay someone 6 diamonds if they find me a donkey
In ErrantCraft you can now sit on stairs is the new server address
If someone kills you and you ask not to be bothered again then you may not be attacked by that person for 24 hours (unless you go after them for revenge :)
Just got a new hosting service. Better performance for sure!
All ErrantCraft players can use /co i to see who placed blocks or who has greifed them
ErrantCraft has an ever expanding road system. Although sometimes the roads need maintenance. Darn Creepers!
I am now selling slimeballs
We may move the Server Spawn soon
Server performance was just upgraded
We are installing a canal to connect the oceans
Nice Views from the Mesa Plateau
The server spawn has been moved to x1300 z-300
Red_Sand is the name of the town at the new Spawn. I am its Mayor.
Please register at
There are large forests down the road to the east of the server spawn
Like a Rockstar!
ErrantCraft has very limited Teleportation
The server rules have recently been updated
The server performance has been upgraded again due to the increasing amount of players
The rails from Red Sand to Emilano got greifed. What ever shall we do!?
If you vote for ErrantCraft now you can get Emeralds
The server Spawn was moved a couple days ago
WoM Coins: 32
You can lead your own nation!