mikee369's Obstacle Course
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 246836
WoM Coins: 20

Are you bored? Are you seeking challenges? Do you think your so pro?
Well, if you are one of the above then this realm is the thing for you!
mikee369's Obstacle Course! A set of hard and challenging levels that will get you MAD! To go to the realm type "/realm mikee369 obs" in game.

Levels and their descriptions:
>Level 1: Jumping Arena
-Its basically just a jumping arena with some invisible blocks.

>Level 2: Water Maze
-A maze made out of water. There are 3 possible exits but only one leads you to the next level.

>Level 3: Dark Maze
-Its name and looks might be scary but its easy to beat when you... uh... i rather not say it because it might ruin the fun (my fun actually).

>Level 4: Blind Jumps
-I called it blind jumps because there are red things that block your view. you have to jump in between platforms while your view is being blocked. find the exit to pass the level.

>Level 5: Invisible Bridges
-There are 25 floating platforms. Find a way to go from one platform to another. To finish the level, find the correct path that leads to the red platform then swim up the water ladder then through the little jump arena that leads to the exit.

>Level 6: Invisible Maze
-A maze that you cant see.

>Level 7: Up Down Up Down
-Another jumping level. I named it "Up Down Up Down" because you have to go up then down repeatedly.

>Level 8: Cracked
-Just like Level 4 but w/o the red things. I named it "Cracked" because it looks like cracked earth.

>Level 9: Finale
-The final level. Its a combination of Level 5, Level 6 and Level 8. This is the hardest challenge in the whole course, pass this and you will beat the course.

Rules and Tips:
1. You need the client for this realm but hacks should be disabled.
2. Don't click blocks.
3. You must use the texture pack that is themed in this realm.
4. You may save point. Press Enter to do so and press "R" to respawn.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 228005
WoM Coins: 60

It's finally done :D!

I'll go check it right away :)

WoM Member
WoM Member: 214462
WoM Coins: 85

U think this thing is easy? i have tried it . xD im almost ragequit lol
for the record im fall at the 1 level 50 times -.-

WoM Member
WoM Member: 246836
WoM Coins: 20

i didnt say its easy

WoM Member: 244999
WoM Coins: 231
Hi Man!


Yesterday I Saw U In Game Building It , Keep Up The Fantastic Work! Loving Every Single Thing U Make....... I Finished After Like 1 Hour Of Hard Work And Like Saving Every 3 Blocks (Lol) So Yea And Today I Saw U In A Realm And U Said Something Like 352 Blocks Destroyed Or Something Then U Said Something About Getting Rep , What Was That About?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 230924
WoM Coins: 38

Already finished it :D

WoM Member
WoM Member: 230924
WoM Coins: 38
