Mindcrack SMP Server for YouTubers
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 668961
WoM Coins: 1

This is a vanilla survival minecraft server for youtubers/streamers. We are still looking for a name so if you have one please tell me below. We will use TS3 for communications. We will also will play/record other games. On this server you will be allowed to prank other players just don't grief anyone's base. If you would like to play on this server please fill out the application below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. When you get accepted the IP will be sent to you.

How mature are you?:
What is your youtube channel link?:
What is your twitch channel link?:(Optional)
Have you ever been banned?:
On a scale of one to ten how good are you at building?:
On a scale of one to ten how good are you at redstone?
Do you have TS3?:

Hope to see you all soon!


WoM Member
WoM Member: 669179
WoM Coins: 1
 Age: 16IGN: Dober08Timezone:

Age: 16
IGN: Dober08
Timezone: Est
Skype: contains my name will be given if accepted
How mature are you?: pretty mature for a 16 year old
What is your youtube channel link?: I think my YouTube name is Dober08
What is your twitch channel link?:(Optional) 
Have you ever been banned?: no
On a scale of one to ten how good are you at building?: 4/5
On a scale of one to ten how good are you at redstone? 1/5
Do you have TS3?: no