MineCart or Boat?
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 71173
WoM Coins: 16

Please leave a comment saying which one you wood choose. A minecart or a boat?

I personally would probably use a minecart because it works simpler. On the other hand you have to make tracks for a minecart not a boat but you have to supply the water. just leave a comment saying
which you think is better and why.


WoM Member
WoM Member: 44774
WoM Coins: 2
Minecart personally

Personally I'd choose a minecart, mostly because you can transport more, and its more fun. boats i find are more awkward, and you loose it if you crash. 

that's just my opinion tho :)

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4656
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i prefer the minecart, the

i prefer the minecart, the boat controls are sorta meh and agree with post above me you lose all your stuff if you crash

just my opinion    :)

WoM Member
WoM Member: 32795
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I would choose the minecart

I would choose the minecart mostly because you can transport more stuff in it. But you can also have a motorised minecart pushing you :)

WoM Member
WoM Member: 71173
WoM Coins: 16
Okay I see

Okay I see that the minecart seems to be the buzz and if you wouldn't mind could you post examples of why you think this like screen shots.