I got a sever made and any one can play as long as they dont destroy anything allredy made.
Suver stuff that im going to put in as a as rule and game plans below
1. 1 gold bar is one credit (gold bars ar the only credits)
2. the starting fortress is ownd by no one but if u want to own a town or village costs 4 stacks of gould (4 stacks of 64)
3. mayer of the town vilage or city make the rules for there city
4.im going to use wight list for the first 5 people ( the first five people will help me set up the fortress and geting the starting supplies)
PM me and I'll check out your server. I'll try to help where I can, I can't make any guarantees I'll stick around though.
I'll check out your server, I'm sure I can help you set up buildings and citys.
Just PM me the IP and I'll be there ASAP. :D
my ip id has ben sent to bouth of ur acounts
yeah sent me a pm with the ip and illl help build your city/s
you can com bak on now
i want to help you with the server pm me the ip. ill help were i can
r u comming
1340708 is the last player for now
ill help you if you want
WoM Coins: 0
The ip id will be pmed to the to the first five and it will stay a secrict till its set up.