well there is also the beacon as well as the sercet item that is in my hand
The new items are really good for decorations
well the becon on the left will be nice as well
That mob also means that there are now skeletons in the Nether too. Even more annoying.
Even more annpying, is that they are Wither Skelington's
Even more annoying ><
You can make a wither BOSS
with soulsand and wither heads
It makes a wither boss with half health BUT it has a regen effect on it
(And i did whatch a vid yogscast Style :P)
The Wither shoots it's heads at you, which do the withering effect :l
I'd rather have a thread on each update so people don't have to scroll to read about each update through a possibly messy thread.
Put a new category in the forum section called "update descussions"
Maybe H4X can do that but lets see if the big H man will do that
i have a question for you guys, what do you really want to see in 1.4 update
Having a facility to do a /sethome 0 and a /sethome 1 etc, so that we can have say, 10 homes. Why this?
Many a times some of us have to do a lot of walking, and I do mean a lot of walking back and forth. From A to B then back to A then to C, oh no wait, wrong place, off to G etc. For some of yous that fly around all the time you have no idea, this takes up a lot of time. Yes, sure, we all have a home, just one. then we all also have a spawn. It still a lot of walking. Have you fly boys try walking up those mountains? Up top, time gone, am hungry and am a huffin n a puffin...
well the /home isnt part of minecraft its part of a plugin so 1.4 doesnt come with it, do this when the nether is enable for new_world, make portals there with the cords written down and use that to transport yourself faster
Ar ha!
I found out what item ssf is holding.
It dus stuff. You can also spin items in item frames 90 degrees and block select selects the block you framed. Also blocks like grass or netherrack are 3D in the frame but weapons and other things aren't.
What is is my hand is for this snapshot but that is all part of the second snapshot or first
First thats awesome, but how did u get this secret look?
just go to mojang.com to get the snapshots
The ability to sit down on a chair or/and on a block.
The ability to lay sideways on the bed when at home and talking to friends.
To have a bottle of drink in hand to drink.
A teleporter, I set one up at a place that far far way that I want to soon go back to. I can have teleporter A, B, and C etc, since we can't have a home 1, 2 or even 3! A Dr. Who Target, maybe? We do need some kind of a one person transportation other that /spawn /home and a /tp.... We do after all have a boat that can be a wonderfully hit or miss but for land. Yes we do have railways but really.
i remember reading that all mob heads except with skulls are unobtainable without creative inventory
still the wither skulls will be sweet.
well right now during the snapshots it is but when its release it will be obtainable
Well there wont be any new post for the new snapshot as it manly bug-fixes but there new options for superflat world so that is all so we will contitune with this post about any thing else you would like to talk about in 1.4
Hell,Ive thought of an wither enderman once,i already know what it would look like.
Apparently DinnerBone announced he added a new ranged mob to the overworld...
WoM Coins: 109
Thats just..awesome..beating the crap out of a mob then having their head for lunch?
being spodrman sux