server done now mafia wars
Fixed the Picture.
Now it fits nicely.
I guess ill join.
Why do you want to join?: Freebuild in beta, sounds fun. World Edit?
[For when apps are needed]
[For when apps are needed]
Im going to
apps will be needed when the server launches
What it is
In the tower defense game you are able to join the defenders or the attackers
The defenders are when you join you get or build a house your first goal is to farm or mine, then you can sell to get better supplies and most importantly a tower lot small or large lot build your tower and arm it with arrow cannons and tnt cannons once you make a tower you live in the tower if you have 3 people in your tower then you can make one of them a ground unit.its like a one way capture the flag and you are defending if the capture your flag you loose
The attackers are the ones trying to capture the flag
they like in a town with a shop and they dont have as many goals at the defenders the have about one get lots of armor and weapons and capture the flag! a good side to join if you like strategies
The rules are
no hacks
no Grief
no stealing from your team
no killing your team
The server sounds RLY COOL. But wats the Ip?
What's the IP?
Can u tell meh the IP for da server? Thnx.
WoM Coins: 48
or Problems PM me or just post it