Mod Application: ArotheDark (LOCKED)
Username: ArotheDark
Name: Quinlin
Age: 14
Why i would be a good person as mod: I have had lots of experience with moderating and supervising servers. I am a very creative and imaginative which i think is a great thing to have in a leadership role. Also i am very good at building and designing projects that are bigger than the normal house/village. I hope that you approve my application and if not I will not be offended.
Also I could be of huge help advertising this server onto websites such as planet minecraft and voting sites like minestatus. (If you have not done so already)
Thank you so much for your time.
WoM Coins: 8985
Who? You haven't even joined our server? And you joined the website today? Is this a joke? Can I use any more question marks?
Denied and Locked. This is not how we accept Staff positions.