Multi-Map MineCraft Server Help?
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mr snickles
WoM Member
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I started my own MineCraft server with McLawl.

I am trying to figure out how to create more maps on one server if that's how you say it.

(Example: You spawn in a giant lobby, and you go into a portal labeled things like "Guest 1" "OP1", etc...)

I can't find a guide. Anyone know how to do this??

WoM Member
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I do

To do that, you have to have iCraft or Mclawl. I do not use Mclawl, so I can't help with that one. But if you use iCraft, simply type /new [world name] [x size] [y size] [z size]. For example: /new asomnia 128 128 128. All the dim. have to be divisble by 16 though. Don't make it any bigger than 128, or it will glitch.