My build H4X
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Okay so I know that smp will be updating on 1.3. I have been told this concept is up to H4X, so I wanted to use this (as H4X and I usually have different schedules) to ask if there's any way that my current build would be able to be moved to the new map. The reason I ask now, is I want to know if there's any point in building any more on it. I have personally saved the smp map (what I've rendered of it) but that won't do me any good for the smp side.

I will gladly build on the new map (and hopefully soon on the old smp server) but I just don't want to build anymore of my city if it's all going to be permanently wiped at 1.3. This build is going to be massive so you can see why I want to wait until I hear something further, or know that it will be pasted in at a later time on 1.3.

Thanks for your help!

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And no offense please don't spam this thread about other builds, I just want to get this to H4X or maybe have him note here about this concept...

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Snow and the H-man are discussing a way to move all of smp's builds to the new map. More info will come soon

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WoM Member: 375982
WoM Coins: 1275

Thanks mate for the response :D either way, I will continue to build on it to give myself ideas of what works and what doesn't work, like my sexy bridge! *cough skyara cough