My favorite mods and admins
Lunick - admin
Mrsnowglobe - admin
Hallyn - mod
wolftone1916 - mod
Jupiter_Ginger - mod
Jak2131 - mod
Sonardo - mod
H4X - admin
Ryanknack - admin
Niels - trusted (he is higher then you though!)
Those are some of my favorite mods/admins! Tell me yours in the comments
Hey look, im on that list
Niels I put you on there because you gave me the 1.4.5 jar file :)
Switch Ryan to the bottom
We almost have the same list!
Admins- MrSnowGlobe, Lunick, RyanKnack, H4X
Mods- EVA_Spartan_213, Hallyn, Deadlypixel69, JunkWorld, Takous
(not in order :D)
correction H4X is World of Minecraft Owner
Admins- MrSnowGlobe, Lunick,, H4X
Mods- EVA_Spartan_213
MrSnowGlobe has helped me on the server when no one else was on to help and hes just awsome
Lunick idk why but i just like lunick
H4x for founding these and helping me at a point
Eva because is cool
I like the people on my list cause they are cool and helpful
Lunick :Helps me out alot. EVA_Spartan_213: A great friend.H4X: A great example.Jak: Helps me out on the furoms most of the time.wolftone: funny.Hallyn : funny also.MRSnowGlobe: A great server owner.Sonardo: He is just awesome!
I think they are all awesome, why would you guys make a topic just to pick out your favourite :(
Your all my favourite for many reasons!
I think Sonardo. Because he's awesome. And because I'm a narcissist. :3
In all seriousness, though; my favourites are Deadlypixel69 and Lunick, because they're awfully nice to me when I feel like trash. ^_^
WoM Coins: 6608
(Ryan is an admin)