I made a new Hamachi server (cuz i cant make a regular one) and i want to try to get more people to join cuz its pretty lonely right now. My website is www.chasesserver.yolasite.com i might add a whitelist and donations box soon.
I'll jump on as soon as I can bro
its not up all the time but its gonna be up a lot on the weekends if i can. if you have issues ask me on my site.
yo dog, so i heard you need more people, and my old server got shut down i guess, so i wanna join,
the more people the merrier, ill try to keep it up for the next 3 hours straight maybe more
i would like to join! oh ya and hi!
yay xanbear ill put it up now
title and if you do i might not be able to for my parents are asleep and we have a admin on this comp
i just sent you fugitives so see you there
WoM Coins: 8
Btw its gonna be a role-playing server probably and it will be awesome but u people gotta join!