Please come and /like and /love. It will help alot. Don't be afraid to ask about the texture pack.
That big boat.. is mine? where did you get it from?
I have your boat in my realm (/realm Lunick Conhoint) as Jono pasted it there, maybe that's where it came from?
only jono is meant to have it
Why ask for likes? Why not just ask people to come to your realm, if they like it they will like/love it :)
The guy jp_joao let me copy the boat from his realm. And my realm got reset yesterday. I'm working on a town now.
Please, dont beg for likes. You dont need them for anything. And btw, if you just play (and chatting helps too) on classic, people will automaticly visit your realm, and rate it how they see fit.
Youre welcome for getting the topic back to its subject :3
WoM Coins: 218
BTW stinju joined right at the moment i took the pic.