well i have a question (and i have searched before i posted)
thats not how it is in a windows 7 though so im kinda stressed
...in Windows 7, they have it in a hidden folder. You'll need to either enable seeing hidden folders (Google if you don't know how) or just enter this in your searchbar in the Start Menu and hit [Enter].
"C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves" for Windows 7. Replace UserName with whatever your computer's username is.
also i want to know how people get like 999 items in infdev using nbt edit it only says indev in the forum so i need help still
ok nvm you can edit them just using nbt edit it lets you use .dat files
i reccomend MineEdit
ill try it
Where do I get the mineedit thing?
so i downloaded the NBTedit, but the page with all the item and block values is gone, anyone still got that? anything is helpful, just paste it into here
AGH! sorry for the double post
has any one got the link to the nbt edit thingy
WoM Coins: 1
Infdev cannot be edited in NBT edit (Not a mclevel I believe.) But the worlds are located at: