Installing textures easily!
I just downloaded SMP's realistic texture pack to infdev, it's beautiful but it got flaws. The icons and the small item, that you see when you just hold the item in your hand, for signs, doors and buckets are invisible! They are visible when you place them though and they work as you want them to. But it's annoying and I want (atleast) to have the old icons back, but the old icons is probably deleted from when I changed textures, that's problem 1, and I don't know where the textures for these three items...
pi related, it's me and my bucket.
If you want the old tiles back, you need to open the Run program. Then type in '%temp%\', and click Run. This will open a folder containing three other folders. Open the one that says 'Minecraft_sneakpeek'. Delete all the files and then play infdev. (If there's a different folder than Minecraft, Minecraft_creeper_test, and Minecraft_sneakpeek, please delete the files in that folder. I'm not sure if there's one for infdev in particular.)
Minecraft_infdev is for infdev. Sneak peak is for indev.
Whrn I swapped textures the old ones got deleted I think... Do you know where to find them?
EDIT: Nevermind! It was reseted in the new update :)
how to get a infdev with out parchases?
WoM Coins: -1
wth... I thought i posted a (hilarious) pic...