Need Help on Setting up Server
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 3626
WoM Coins: 5

I downloaded the server software and ran the .bat file. It said that:

     18:37:25  Setting up
     18:37:25  Loading level
     18:37:25  Now accepting input on 25565
     18:37:26  Level saved! Load: 0/16
     18:37:26  To connect directly to this server, surf to: http://www.minecraft
     18:37:26  (This is also in externalurl.txt)

When I tried to load the server it said that it failed to connect to the server. It also said that the server might be down. Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 3626
WoM Coins: 5

I also don't know how to do the port-forwarding thing. Please tell me how to do that too.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4386
WoM Coins: 0
The port-forwarding thing

The port-forwarding thing /is/ what's wrong. Your NAT doesn't know which computer behind it to send the packets to, so it just throws them out.

Also, please use google next time, first result is a site with instructions for most routers: