Installing textures easily!
Hi everybody.
Im new to this community and im need some help.
And by the Way, im from Germany. So please excuse my "english" :)
I'll already got a nice Texture Pack, its quite awesome but there is a problem.
The terrain.png had no texture for the new NetherWorld, also the pumpkin texture is missing.
So i'd try to add it by myself.
this is what it looks like:
but ingame it looks like this:
Something is wrong but i cant find my mistake. Also the NetherWorld is glitchy as hell. Everything is just wrong.
256x256 works fine, but 512x512 makes everything bugged.
Do anyone know what to do?
isn´t that the Texturepack from Hallowed1986 from
if no , than sorry....
WoM Coins: 0
I do not know what your problem is but when you figure out what is wrong, I would love to have that texture if you are willing to let others use it.