Well I played MC looking for diamonds and i fall out of map and die. I spawned somewhere where I cant't see my house and all my things what to do?
I want to go back to my place :D
Thanks for help.
I have a .dat savefile and MineCraft Alpha 04 for sure.
Well I was searching but it's nowhere!
Maybe I could change spawn point in some editor or something but no one is working...
There should be a tool that lets you view your entire map. You could use Omen if you can recognize your house by layers (which shouldn't be too hard if it's bug).
And here is a funny thing when i trying to open a map Omen said:
"Unsupported file type. Level not loaded.10 0 0 10"
like I said it's a level.dat savefile with many folders
Then either build a new house, keep searching, or convert it from .dat to .mclevel.
Now Mine2NBT said
"Stream Error"
sad :/
There's nothing else you can do. Just make a new house. You'll probably find your old one while scavenging for materials.
Well thx anyway maybe someone will knew something about these errors
Ohhhhhhh I did it!
I downloaded MineEdit (you can find it at Minecraft forums)
and did something (well i didn't do anything, just loaded a map!) when i open a game I spawned rigth to my place, lucky me. ;]
WoM Coins: 0
Either make yourself a new house or just keep searching. If it gets close to nighttime then just make yourself a temp house in a cliff.