nether portals.
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 567190
WoM Coins: 19

hello, everyone who got all exited about going to the nether when your obsidian frame would light on fire, but not activate, and are now scaning different minecraft sites, looking for answers. here they are: it needs to be a 5 block tall, 4 block wide rectangle of obsidian, hollow inside the frame, making a 3 block tall, 2 block wide hole in the center. the corner peices to the rectangle are not nessasery. to activate it, light the inside of the frame on fire with flint and steel. I know all this because yesterday, some website I was on convinced me it only had to be two blocks tall, and it did not work. if you dont want to go to all the trouble to get enough diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe, all you need is a bucket and flint&steel. you just need to find lava, take a block out and harden it to see if it turns to obsidian, and if it does, you can use it to pour into a mold of the portal frame, and harden it with water. then light it with the flint and steel.

Epic Contributor
WoM Member: 547233
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Wow, I found tons of obsidian and was making 4X4 frame thx 4 the help!

WoM Member
WoM Member: 567190
WoM Coins: 19
more info:

aside from construction of a nether portal, I found some aditional information about how they work. when you activate one, it searches for a safe place within a 128 block area in the nether, or another portal in that area if you already made one. dont worry, your nether portal will never kill you. if it does not find a large enough flat area to place the portal in, and apears over a lava lake, it will create a small obsidian platform on each side of the portal for you to stand on, and you can then build a bridge to land from there. if it is underground and there are no large enough caverns nearby, it would, in theory, create an eqally large hollowed out space in that area that you could dig out of. but this is unlikely due to the abundence of cavern systems there. in long exploration trips in the nether, you should make it clear how to get back to the portal. if you lose it, your trapped. I got all this information at .