A new AI that is Just like Cleverbot? (You Have Got To Read This)
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WoM Member
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Programmer (Matt Montoya) has created a Artificial Intelligent ChatBot with the name of 'Bill'. From what people have been saying, 'Bill is Cleverbots little brother'. He learns from his users and gets smarter every second. So if you want to test if this Bot is smart, or just want to teach him something or want to have a funny conversation, please take a look at: www.billbot.99k.org 

And please tell your friends.
Bill is only a kid, he does not know very much. If you find he does not know something, please teach him it. However keep it clean or I will turn learning off. We want Bill to be kid friendly and appropriate. Thanks. Please look at Teach Bill for more info.  

Epic Contributor
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I've always wanted to make

I've always wanted to make something like this as a teaching-aid.

Not as in, helping teach kids, but to help teachers develop teaching skills :P
I like AI
I do.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 443430
WoM Coins: 5
Cool, yes Bill is cool. But

Cool, yes Bill is cool. But he was put online three days ago. His database says he knows 405 things. He would need 5000 before he would be able to hold good conversations. So the more people that talk to him, the smarter he becomes. The only problem is telling people about the site. I need some help on that.