Ok, Zombies, Creepers, Skelotons, Spiders, Skelotons riding Spiders, Squids, and pig zombie things.
How come i havent seen: Ghosts, Slimes, and things that people have on their Youtube vidieos such as, WereWolves, Giants, Dragons, And some creepy missle shotting thing. (i know the missle thing isnt true ha ha)
Man, that was kinda rude dude, and, idc if you just TELL me, you dont have to make it sound like a rap!
umm i was not being rude at all infact if i wouldnt have posted if i was being rude i would have ignored it, also i wanst trying to make it sound like a rap. Please if you post a question and get a ansewer dont tell some one he is rude for he is trying to help that only makes you look rude.
Okay, since your list of mobs is invalid, only missing one mob.
All the other creatures you saw that wernt in that last list were all mods you can dowload most from MoCreatures pack
WoM Coins: 26
zombies skellys ghasts(squid like ghosts) skeely jocks (spider riders) spiders slimes zombie pig men squids creepers and soon to be wolfs all the others are moded