I think that too many people rep farm and there are way too many techs and archs. Does anyone agree that maybe after a certain rank, you had to rank based off skill, like old times.
I know that imcreasing the rep needed would be chaotic the reason there are so many people of a certain rank is because of the fact that it takes a lot of time to accumulate enough rep to rank. Perhaps we could do a mix. we were talking about this on realms. Any other suggestions for the rank systems, some unique ideas?
im not saying it should be all skill. Just more toward the end.
the reason there are tons of the same higher ranks, is because they all joined at about the same time, therefore rank at the same time. when they just joined, I am sure you would've complained there are too many low ranks. I see nothing wrong with the current rank system.
I see nothing wrong with the ranking system. Yes you can rep farm but that is not going to earn you /like s now is it?
actually what is going to earn you /like s is persistent advertising and who is the new person more likely to listen to when reading adverts the person with the standard colour, or the fancy colour achieved by repfarming. tis debased i say.
If you don't persistently advertise you'll only get likes from the occasional visitor. I don't know a great idea of replacement but putting a voting system on the site is one way. But it would take time to program.
Well... Lam is right most people that are constructor have joined at about the same time there are a lot arch's and tech's because they are not very hard ranks to get. Well arch is pretty hard if you are not premium, but its still possible and most people that are arch have joined when World of Minecraft realms was starting to get popular when most people were joining. I see nothing wrong with the ranking system and about the rep farming.. Its not cool and some constructor's have done it, but if you wanted to be constructor you could rep farm too its not against the rules and lots of people have done it.
yep! Lam is right! ^_^, however, agreed that people repfarm, but a new ranking system isn't the answer.
well yes, it works now. but surely with more popularity and players the ranking system will get even more flooded with advertising and rep farming thus thurther debasing the already debased system. improvement is necessary even if it does work to some vague extent.
Well, everything is not gonna be perfect. There are cons to any rank system we apply. The one We have now is fine. I think this topic can be closed.
WoM Coins: 28
i think instead of going off skill, we should just raise the amount of rep needed to get higher rank. if we just make it go off of skill, then the server will be like every other server again. the reputation is wat makes this server stad out.