NOTE: Sorry for its ridiculous length; this guide covers everything about running a server on a Mac using Notch's Vanilla Server software
Note: This was only tested on Mac OSX 10.5.8, as I do not have Snow Leopard on my machine. Please forgive me if I am not able to help you because of that.
Instructions for Notch's Vanilla Server
- Download Notch's Vanilla Server Here
- Go to Applications>Utilities>Java Preferences
- Move Java SE 6 to the top of both of the lists
- Open Terminal
- Type cd /Users/YOURNAME/Downloads/minecraft-server or, instead of typing the whole path, just type cd and drag the minecraft-server into terminal
- Then type java -cp minecraft-server.jar com.mojang.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer (you can write a .sh file to make this operation go much faster, that will come later in this guide)
- Now, if you followed all of the directions above correctly, it should start generating a number of files such as the, the server_level.dat, the admins.txt, players.txt, banned.txt, etc. etc.
- When that is all done, close it, and write the .sh file for it.
- Write cd (complete path to the minecraft-server folder) on the first line, and on the second line write java -cp minecraft-server.jar
com.mojang.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer - Then to make the .sh file executable, open terminal, type cd (path to minecraft-server folder) and press enter
- now type "chmod +x" ( is only an example name, you can name it whatever you want)
- now quit terminal, and right click and click "open with" and click "choose application"
- click where it says "recommended applications" and change it to "all applications," and click the checkbox that says "always open with"
- Now navigate your applications folder to get to Terminal (Applications>Utilities>Terminal) and press OK
- Now double click the and it should open terminal and say that the server is running on port 25565 and a few other things as well
- For a visual guide on what it should look like and what it should say, here is a picture that Jonnyabc took
Instructions for Omen v0.70
- Download Omen v0.70 Here
- Unzip and drag the Omen070.jar to the root directory of the minecraft-server folder
- Double-click Omen070.jar, and Omen should open up
- When you open Omen, it loads the server_level.dat that the server generated. More information on this in the next section.
How to use Omen v0.70 (Credit to Snake on the Minecraft Forums)
NOTE: Snake did indeed use windows for his tutorial, but everything is the same when using Omen on a Mac. In fact, Omen was developed on a Mac, so there is absolutely no reason why it shouldn't work on a Mac.
The Main Screen
Here, I will
be going over the parts of the main screen. View the image below and
read the descriptions from the corresponding numbers of the parts on the
list under the image.
I'll separate the main screen into two parts,
the Stage half and the Editor half, for sake of space.
-The Stage Half
1. File. This opens up the File tab. This contains the New map command, Open map command, etc.
2. Edit. This opens up the Edit
tab. This contains many commands, such as Undo, Quick Caves, etc.
3. View. This opens up the View tab. This contains commands such as Show
Grid, Zoom In, Zoom Out, and the like.
4. Tools.
This opens up the Tools tab. This contains commands such as Brush,
Replace All (2D), etc.
5. I call this the
"Stage Information" line. This shows what layer you are viewing, the
tool you have selected, the size of the brush, and the X, Y, and Z
coordinates of the place you last clicked on the Stage.
6. The Stage.
This is where you edit the map. Simple enough.
7. Layer Up. This
moves one layer up, but appears moves one layer down.
8. Layer Down.
This moves one layer down, but appears moves one layer up.
-This is
because it is moving up and down by numbers. 0 is the top of the map,
and one layer minus the depth of the map is the bottom. So if you moved a
layer up from the top of the map, or layer 0, you would move to layer
1, but move one layer lower than the top of the map. This is the same
for layering down except you're going up.
9. Zoom In. This simply
zooms the camera on the stage in. This is useful for precise editing of
the map.
10. Zoom Out. This zooms the camera on the stage out. This
is useful for large-scale editing of the map.
11. X-Z. This is the
default viewing of the map, or an overhead view.
12. X-Y. This is a
side view of the map. Useful for making the map in a box, like I will
show you how to do in another section of this tutorial.
-The Editor Half
13. Block Types. This is where you select the block you want to use.
-A. Air. Useful for "deleting" blocks on the map.
-B. Stone.
-C. Grass.
-D. Dirt.
-E. Cobblestone.
-F. Wood.
-G. Tree
-H. Bedrock. Also know as Op Block, Opcrete, Adminium,
Admincrete, Admin Blocks, etc.
-I. Water.
-J. Still Water.
This water does not move unless disrupted. To disrupt it, you usually
just place a block next to it, and then delete it.
-K. Lava.
-L. Still Lava. This lava does not move unless disrupted. You disrupt it the
same way you do water.
-M. Sand.
-N. Gravel.
-O. Gold Ore.
-P. Iron Ore.
-Q. Coal Ore.
-R. Tree Trunks or Logs.
-S. Leaves.
-T. Sponge.
-U. Glass.
-V. Red Cloth.
-W. Orange Cloth.
-X. Yellow Cloth.
-Y. Lime Green Cloth.
-Z. Green Cloth.
-AA. "Seaweed" Green Cloth. (As I call it.)
-BB. Neon Blue Cloth.
-CC. Blue Cloth.
-DD. Light Purple Cloth.
-EE. Purple Cloth.
-FF. Light Pink Cloth.
-GG. Pink Cloth.
-HH. Hot Pink Cloth.
-II. Dark Grey, or "Black" Cloth.
-JJ. Grey Cloth.
-KK. White Cloth.
-LL. Yellow Flower.
-MM. Red Flower.
-NN. Brown Mushroom.
-OO. Red
-PP. Gold.
-QQ. Iron. Often called Silver, although it
isn't silver.
-RR. Double Halfblock. Also known as Double Stair
-SS. Half Block. Also known as Stair Block.
-TT. Brick.
-UU. Trinitrotoluene, or TNT.
-VV. Bookcase Block.
-WW. Mossy
-XX. Obsidian.
14. Brush. The basic tool of Omen. I will go over this tool in another
section of this tutorial.
15. Flood
Fill. Contains six flood fill tools.
16. Line.
Draws straight or curved lines between two points.
16(2). Sorry, I added a second 16 in by mistake. This is the brush size
slider. It goes from 0 to 512.
17. Prefabs. Allows you to place
premade objects, such as Trees and Ruins. I will go over this tool in
another section of this tutorial.
17(2). Sorry. These are quick buttons for basic brush sizes.
18. Selection.
Contains only one tool, the Dropper tool.
18(2). Sorry
again. 2D Brush. This makes your brush two dimensional and only places
blocks on the layer you have selected. This is set by default.
19(2). Round Brush. This simply makes the brush round.
20. 3D Brush. This
makes your brush three dimensional and places blocks on the layer you
have selected, but only if the brush size is over 4. Useful for making
spheres or cubes. I will go over doing that in another section of this tutorial.
21. Square Brush. Simply makes
the brush square. This is set by default.
22. Centre Brush. Centers
the brush I'm guessing? I've never needed to use it, but I always have
it selected. Doesn't seem to make a difference if I don't have it
selected, though.
23. Replace Brush. This allows you to replace
blocks of a different kind with the block you have selected. Even if you
go out of the parts of where the blocks you want to replace are, it
will only replace that type of block with the block you have selected,
and nothing else.
24. Brush Density. Set at 1.0 by default. If you
make it below 1.0, (for example, 0.5), it gives the brush an airbrush
25. Session information log. Tells you how long it took to
generate a map, if what you loaded was loaded successfully, etc.
NOTE: If you have any questions, post them on this thread, and they will be answered.
You leave the terminal window for the server while you want the server to be kept up.
what is terminal?
i readed trough this all and it seems to be a far easier way then just port forwarding at my router =P
Terminal is Mac's equivalent of Windows' command prompt.
This is a Mac tutorial, and does not include how to forward ports.
Some question as nickorton: how do I write the .sh file? (new to mac here). Did all the steps before that, my terminal looks just like yours, but I don't know what a .sh file is, or how to write one.
A .sh file is is a text file with lines of commands. The .sh file section is optional, however having to memorize each line of code to type into terminal is a pain in the ass.
the .sh file should look like this:
cd /users/nikalus/downloads/minecraft-server Java -cp minecraft-server.jar com.mojang.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer
As for writing the .sh file, I just started writing it into a plain text file, and when I saved it, I manually added the .sh extension (saved as "" rather than "minecraft_server")
Hope that answered your question.
The newest version of omen has Z-Y, it would help to explain that. Also, my browser freezes every time i try to load an edited or original map made with Omen.
Use common sense; look at what xy and xz, mess around with omen. Thats how i learned it.
I need help. First of all, how do I set the properties, it won't let me.
How so? Are you getting an error, or is it just saying that it doesn't know what program to open it with?
BTW sorry that my responses are slow, I've been a bit busy.
I do all the steps but when I run the .sh file this comes up in terminal:
Last login: Fri Jun 25 23:41:55 on ttys000
/Users/TomTom/Desktop/minecraft-server-1/ ; exit;
Ugos-iMac:~ TomTom$ /Users/TomTom/Desktop/minecraft-server-1/ ; exit;
/Users/TomTom/Desktop/minecraft-server-1/ line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1038cocoasubrtf290: command not found
/Users/TomTom/Desktop/minecraft-server-1/ line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
/Users/TomTom/Desktop/minecraft-server-1/ line 2: `{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}'
[Process completed]
Also this is the text in the .sh file. (i made it by saving the text in text edit then changing the file extension .sh)
cd /Users/TomTom/Desktop/minecraft-server-1
java -cp minecraft-server.jar com.mojang.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer
When you save a file in TextEdit there is, ironically, no actual Text format (well not that I have seen). It saves the file as Rich Text which contains a lot of {s and stuff like {rtf1ansiansicpg blah blah. Right-click and open the file in Xcode and you can strip all that out and leave just the actual text behind.
What version of OSX are you on? leopard or snow leopard?
damn nice tut!
Haha, thanks. Spent about an hour on it writing it. Then I got lazy around the time when I had to write the Omen tutorial, so I just copied Snake's from the official forums.
Figured that tutorial was good :P
I have the same problem as tomtom.
hmm... must be a snow leopard bug. I'll make a note that all this has only been tested on 10.5.8
Damn Snow leopard 10.6.4 >_<
lol infact nevermind, i copied your quoted sh contents so i was using your mac Username not mine :L its okay now ^_^
Go to your Java Preferences (Applications>Utilities>Java Preferences) and move your Java SE 6 to the top of both lists (I say both just for good measure).
my terminal doesn't even recognise the java file!!
Navigate to the folder with the .jar file. for example, type: cd /Users/*username*/Documents/Minecraft_server/minecraft_server.jar
minecraft server software doesn't run in snow leopard.
Sorry double posted by accident
Glad to see another Mac user on here. I thought I was the only one :(
i cant save it as a .sh file, i typed .sh at the end in text edit like you said, but it says i cant save it as .sh... im just 13 so i'm probably just doing something wrong.... but how do you save a .sh file?
sorry. i got what you mean, put it afterwards, not when saving. (and sorry for the comments, im kind of new to this :)
after following step 5 it says no such file found?
How can I choose to make myself an admin? How do I make myself an admin in my own server? Help!
All i get is
Thanks got mine working but only one problem, I put my name in the admin.txt file but im still not an admin :(
I am on OSX snow leopard and its saying no such file or directory plz make new tutorial.. good work on this one
When I try to create the sh. file, this comes up:
I get lost at the part where it says "When that is all done, close it, and write the .sh file for it." How do I write the .sh file for it?
WoM Coins: 0
Sorry but I get lost at "When that is all done, close it, and write the .sh file for it"