A Breif descript of each of these features would be for PVP bascially
everyone is your enemy except for your clan. Just like how factions is.
The only difference is you can not claim land. This leads to more
battles causing people to raid each other and the people being raided to
have to defend their base. For economy we have a very basic admin shop.
It does not sell our users items but lets our users sell Iron, Gold,
and Diamonds to it. This way the players can then take their hard earned
cash and buy a shop, or items off other players. We do it this way so
that no items will be spawned into the game by staff fluctuating the
gameplay. Lastly is griefing and stealing. This is pretty much self
explanitory. See something you want go take it! Don't like that clans
base being there blow it up! In NomadCraft the world is yours! You make
your own destiny!
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