A Nuclear Bomb in Minecraft
Hey World of Minecraft fans,
I'm working on my minecraft skills. Here are some screenshots. I spent a few weeks on the Abomb. I'll load new shots to show that the whole is full of rooms. The stalk has many floor from the bed rock to the ceiling. There is a huge room tucked into the mushroom cloud. I'll fill that out later.
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=1297641754&aid=2081440 (Sorry, you have to log into facebook to see them.)
Hope you Enjoy!
WoM Coins: 3
Yeah - so - I was looking for a little feedback. What was good? What can I do to make it better? Nifty tricks I could have used. Suggestions for future builds. I worked a couple of weeks on what I thought was a novel idea just to generate a little conversation? ... Well no actually, I like what I did and was engaged when I did it. The hours flew by. I just wanted to exchange a little coolness and chat with the other builders here.
I suppose that's a lesson for me. Respond to others. That's why they signed up.