Please Stop Posting your Minecraft4Free Links!
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WoM Member
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Hello it's me HappyTim and I'd like to bring up the subject of Minecraft4Free. I feel like alot forum posts now are getting spammed with people posting Minecraft4Free links so they can get well, Minecraft for free.
You guys can post what you want but I just want to let you know that by participating in such a thing you are not helping Mineecraft nor are you doing an ethnical thing. Cheers, Tim

WoM Member
WoM Member: 119673
WoM Coins: 13
I agree

It's not a good idea to influence people to get Minecraft for free. It's not legit and Notch wants the money to make newer versions.

So here's an example:

Don't buy the game = Pirating = A virus could be in the link.

So, if you see a link saying "Minecraft4free" don't click it, because your computer maybe at risk!