Problem x2
1. Cant use hacks in multiplayer (freebuild, my own server)
2. How do i add levels to my server?
Probably bad questions, but im new
1. It is from this site2.
1. It is from this site
2. Have you been specced, as i dont even know what that means, probably not
3. Nope, doesn't work on any
1a. MCsharp
Explain how they don't work.
Explain how they don't work. (any error messages in the cmd will help)
Hrm, make sure the "enable
Hrm, make sure the "enable hacks" box was checked at the top of the window. Also I encourage you to go on a (populated) World of Minecraft server to see if a staff member may be able to give you speedier help.
WoM Coins: 21
First off, do you have the client from this site.
Second, have you been specced. (go on a World of Minecraft server to check.)
Third is yours the only server it doesn't work on.(again, go on a World of Minecraft server to check.)
As for your second question, changing maps and adding them depends on the server software you are using.