So I felt like the rate I was gaining rep at was a little weird, so I tested it out. On my 4* realm, (20 PPA, right?) I placed around 2000 blocks, waited for the rep update, and got about 6500 rep for it.
Update: I didn't play for an hour, but I checked on and it updated again for another 4700 rep. So I haven't played and no one else is building on my realm, where did this 4700 rep come from? I'm 99% sure I didn't screw up my test and build in two separate hours (I payed attention to /repdate). And even if I did, that is still only 11200 rep out of 40000 I should have.
Ok, well, just so you know, you can't just place all of the same block you won't get allot of rep for that.
Ok so that would make sense then, because I did place 2000 of the same block. Does anyone know the math on the diminishing rep gain for placing all of the same block? And no /fill, all blocks placed 1 by 1.
There is a repdate each hour , so each hour you will gain + rep makes it easier.
I don't know the math for diminishing rep blockactions.
That is for Owner/Staff to know and keep a secret I believe.
Yea I'm aware of the rep and how it works, and /repdate and all that. I'm gonna outline my whole situation and you can be the judge, cuz I'm lost man
I guess it could be the cool off period for placing so many blocks of the same type maybe?
Could be, that would explain me getting a lowered amount of rep when I placed 2000 blocks. But does that explain me getting rep when I haven't built anything (or getting 6K rep from 36 blocks)? Is there anything other than placing blocks that can get you rep?
WoM Coins: 14
One thing I can think of is possibly I'm gaining rep as if my realm was 1* and the other 1500 rep I got was from random building earlier in the hour. Soooo if that is what's happening, why is my 4* realm giving me rep like a 1*?