Just thought I'd share some interesting realms that are being built on:
/realm sk1l4funz
/realm WRN
/realm minermanABC123
/realm Imran_zulkafli (His realm is not locked anymore)
/realm buttonpresser
/realm lider
They are still not complete of course but I'm sure they will finish them soon :)
You can also right click and choose view image to see a bigger version.
Yeah, it is funny of how I put like 10 thousand light posts in just one small street. XD Maybe I shouldn't have done that.
Oh stop it you :3
I unlocked it :3 LE LOL
minerman has already been posted twice and me 0 :O
Well I did tp to you one day but you were not in your realm so unlucky :P
This is going to take a long time for me to finish my city D:
Should I get rid of a few light posts?
So sad. I shall get rid of the light poles. Goodbye to my 10 million light poles. I'll miss you. (Tears fall out) XD
Uhm yes, I'd like to point out a flaw in Lunick's photography skills. In all the photos he used /client ui off, and was holding a glass so that some parts were transparent. But if you look very closely, you will see that in Lider's realm he is holding stone. What a shame...
You were not supposed to notice that
I notice that there were an excessive amount of caps in your post.
DON'T EDIT MY POSTS11!!!!!!!1!1!!
Don't use all caps then!!!!111!!!1
But I want to :D
I agree with WRN, this is the end of life as we know it.
End of life???? :O
Yes. Lunick was holding stone. So the world as we know it is doomed.
Me destroying the light posts mean that I'm destroying the whole network on my whole realm.D:
these look like some mighty-fine realms people be building tharr :DD
Awww teh post stop shrinking -.-
Why am I not in this list?! We need at least one bad realm in the mix!
There seems to be an abscense of a certain Capt. here.. :D
No I meant Captain Planet!

How do the thread 'Realms to watch' turn into this! :P
I don't know. :P I thought we're talking about realms, not captains. :P
Captain_Goal's Realm that is...
I think you guys are forgetting somebody.
Do you mean GregoryorakkHowk?
WoM Coins: 1556
I think it's funny how minerman's realm has like 1000 light posts XD