The recent Terrain.png
To install texture packs in your WoM Minecraft Client Wrapper easily, please see this topic:
Installing textures easily!
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 106254
WoM Coins: -1

I've been looking for a whole day now. but I can't seem to find the terrain.png file. I know where to look, but I don't own Alpha, and I don't know if I can even get to the recent one without Alpha. Can someone like, put a picture up or something of it for me. If you could I'd appreciate it. If not, then I'll just wait until I get it in about a month or so...

WoM Member
WoM Member: 101985
WoM Coins: 21
Look my topic
This is my tutorial and I hope it was helpfull, And leave a comment plz! bye

WoM Member
WoM Member: 106254
WoM Coins: -1
Not in there

I don't have a terrain.png in there...