i would also make it more than one shade of red. it just looks kinda bland. I'm not a pro skin maker or anything, just suggesting some ideas.
Do you use skincraft? Google it, I would go to it to make skins.
>New layer
>Full character
Make the dirt green
-That is how you get the texture.
The nose and mouth is one pixel too high.
Don't mean to critisize.
I ONLY use Skin-craft. My friend uses Miner-shoes, but I just don't understand how it works, Anyway, I use Skin-craft, it's probably the best skin maker for free out there.
how long exactly did this take you to make?
Its actually not a bad skin but i just need to correct you here, "*This is *a* red creeper i made it took me a wile to make so * enjoy*" , :P Just had do correct you there, But i am still voting up, Nice skin!
WoM Coins: 84
The eyes need to be 4 pixels, not 1.
(not hating or trolling, just correcting)