Installing textures easily!
Hi all. I have a new texture pack for 1.9.5 called Relaxing. I hope it is a natural looking, easy on the eyeball texture pack. It is HD with 64X64 blocks so it needs the HD patch.
and watch a youtube clip HERE!
I hope you like it,
I think it's looks pretty cool.
Nice job!
Dude thats a epic texture pack, im sure heaps of people will use it
Hey! I wanna ask you, How did you get that picture on the bottom of you're post?? I need to know! (Reply ASAP!!!)
Just PM me!
i mean seriously howd u get beta .9 i mean i went on the site a week ago and it was 1.8.1 howd u get it
If you don't live under a rock or something, if you looked around you would find a pre-release of 1.9. Just google "minecraft 1.9 pre release"
some block just look likes in real life!
Well, I started with lots of images and textures and painted them up from there so there is a good basis in reality.
Looks sweet. I haven't tried out 1.9 yet and just from the looks of these images it looks awesome. You should correct your topic title's typo.
"You should correct your topic title's typo."
Oops. :) Thanks. My typing is always like that.
Updated to 1.1 with a new GUI and other stuff :)
Nice texture pack! Looks pretty good to me, I haven't tried 1.9 yet either like S0ME3ONE but I'm sure when I do that I will give this texture pack a try. Also like naufalrasyid said a lot of the blocks really do like extremely realistic! Nice Job!
Wow! You have done a really good job! That looks awesome! Also, sorry for the double post, it was lag I think.
Looks promising to me, but could you show a pic of the nether? im quite into 'netherrack'...
I'm working on refining the nether at the moment as I wasn't happy with the blocks I made for it. I have also been working on the particle systems and fire.
Hold on....
I updated the particle system for the fire and smoke and updated the diamonds, coal and gold. The first two I built in Blender.
Get Relaxing1.2 for these changes.
I know it says 1.8, 1,9 but just to make sure. Will it work for my 1.8.1 because I don't want to download the pre-release because I pretty much only ever play SMP.
YAY! When will the finished version be out or is it already complete, because that way I won't have to reinstall it?
Well, it's pretty complete now. I am just refining little things as I go, just tinkering around the edges.
After a whole bunch of PM's, I have decided to change the steel, gold and diamond block.
Where is the pics of Nether?! Come on! show me!
Updated to 1.0.0
If you want a great seed try hoopla! (including the exlamation mark). The word just popped into my head and behind you where you spawn is a great double ravine.
Edited the achievement page for consistancy (ency?)
This is absolutely AMAZING.
I wish i had a texture pack like that one!
Updated the texture pack to V1.5 with doors that open the right way.
It's brilliant, but it'd be great if someone ported it over to Classic because my PC hates the full release.
A new little video, playing hardcore. HERE
A really great job!!
very nice stuff
ive had 2 realistic texture packs now, the 1st one had fire symbols on every single stone block, and now this one has fire symbols on every dirt block.... am i missing something?
Yes you are :)
You need to install the HD pack.
Dude...why is the texture pack is so different?
Can you change the texture of these mobs/items:
Hello we have done a review of your texture pack :) i will Pm you the link, btw it is very nice :D
The review by the guys at TheGamesCrunch is online. Check it out HERE
Thanks Grassy :)
Nice I think you did a great job on the texture pack
Have recently updated to 1.2.5!
Go grab it.
This is just beautiful O.O Thank you VERY MUCH grassynoel!
This one is going to be my texture for a while :D
Title says it all, the 64X version of the Relaxing has been updated!
Looks very nice. This is tied with OzoCraft for 1st in my texturepacks :)
I am definitely downloading this. Aaaas soon as I learn how to use patcher. Help?
Superb is another word too and even fantastic. There all good for describing your texture pack. Thank you for the work and time you put in to all that.
You made a typo for Brewing Stand
I like it and it reminds me of Doku craft :P
Updated a bunch more MOBS and blocks. Added endermen and villagers.
Epic cat wants that your Texture pack!
Some screens of my latest WIP...
These are from which is not out as yet.
that is Epic texture pack!
Started on a few icons and an overhaul of the GUI. I want to keep the profile and tone of the icons original, changing the insides but keeping the outside simple. This way, when you hold a pickaxe, it's not made out of a million little blocks but it's the same old shape as my foam pickaxe. There is an aesthetic about the original icons I prefer.
Starting on some art, you know, movie posters and art...
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