Riven here with breaking news
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 347127
WoM Coins: 76

for all the angry people sitting at their computer waiting to troll, please go outside get some fresh air if you only play mincraft then this is your chance to hang out with old freinds or try to get that old girlfreind back live life a little and not on a computer if you dont have "old freinds or girlfreinds" go to a park and relax if you dont live near a park then just go outside and breath some fresh air if its raining or storming if its too hot or cold  then put on a jacket or where light clothes if your bored but dont feel like going outside give that old playstation or xbox some love as long as you dont try to start a riot against a tired and determined networking team everyone will live happily ever after

Riven out

Removed from Staff
WoM Member: 21
WoM Coins: 1687
Cheers bud.

Some people just don't learn.