[Roleplay] The Lord of the Craft - The Number One Minecraft Roleplaying Server!
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Minecraft's Largest Role-Playing Server & Community
APPLY HERE: http://www.lordofthe....net/?page_id=6

Custom Skills ~ Nations ~ Cities ~ Races ~ Custom Plugins ~ Economy ~ Politics ~ Wars ~ Role-play ~ Storyline ~ Progressive World 

Watch in 720p if your connection can take it.

We hit 250 concurrent users online, most in the Minecraft world! 1,000 ONLINE AT THE SAME TIME ON OUR FORUMS.

The Lord Of The Craft is a premium FULL RP Minecraft server. Set in the Realm of Auslon, you embark on a dangerous existence in its troubled lands. The server has a white-list application process you must complete to become a part of the universe. However, players may experience the world as a soul, logging in straight away to explore the continent but unable to touch or interact with the world. As a project, Lord Of The Craft is hosted in America on a dedicated server with the highest specifications to offer absolutely lag-less game play.This is one of the biggest and most ambitious Minecraft RP projects, lead by an eager and focused team of developers to produce the most pristine and seemless RP experience. We have over 200 players at peak times making us the BIGGEST Role-playing Minecraft Server in the WORLD.The World is split into regions and countries. There are Races and cultures that inhabit its lands. Players are born into this world at The Cloud Temple of Auslon. From there, depending on your white-list application, you will join your Racial Kingdom or live in the unsafe Wilds. The Lord Of The Craft is completely free form, the political hierarchy of each Nation is fully accessible by you. With sufficient ambition and wealth you can climb the ranks to become the Leader of an existing Faction or even Lead a Nation of your own. The Lore and Culture is continually created by YOU the players. Lands can be taken and conquered, cities built and nations destroyed. For those less ambitious there are plenty of Inns, Blacksmiths, Barracks, Farms and Shops that need traders, armourers, soldiers and farmhands. YOU can CHOOSE how YOU want to experience the wonderful World Of Auslon. Dungeons, Mazes, Cities, Kingdoms, Fortresses, Monsters, Quests, Inns, Smithies, Rivers, Seas, Mountains, Caverns, Castles, Woods, Wars, Battles, Valour, Glory and Wealth. This is only a fraction of what The Lord Of The Craft has to offer, waste no time and apply to the white-list now!

During your travels in the The Lord Of The Craft you will be able to follow many paths in your journey. Some people would rather simply increase their personal wealth, purchase a proud Mansion by the sea, and live their life in relative ease. Others aspire to be architects, the minds and creative builders of Auslon. While some, lust for battle and blood, conscript in the armies of their Leaders and fight. Others go for the grand prize, of joining the Government of a Nation and perhaps Lead the Nation him or herself!Since you are born new into the world you do not have the required skills to mine, smith and craft all you wish. To be able to work with tougher ores and harder ingots you must improve your skills through practice. Warriors grow stronger with each battle and miners can wield better pickaxes the more the mine.For this Experience to be the best possible there are rules you must follow, these rules split into two. - World Rules- Nation RulesAll members must follow the World rules, you can read them in this post below. However, when it comes to Nation Rules, that depends on which Kingdom you are in and the Roleplay of your character, whether he is Chaotic or Lawful, Orc or Elf. All the Plugins used on the server can be found below as well. These are all used to create the best RP experience possible for you and the other inhabitants of Auslon. We also have a standard texture pack you should use to view the World as others and in the best possible manner. You can find more information on the texture pack below.To keep with the Role-play your character must appear as one of his Race, Gender and Class should, therefore we have an array of skins you should use when living in the World of Auslon. If the skins are not to your taste, you can edit, improve or use similar skins.
• No racial disrimination or racist remarks. RP racism towards other in-game races is acceptable.

• No mindless spamming

• No griefing

• No sharing account information

• No use of hacked or modified clients that give you an unfair advantage such as X-raying and Flying.

• No world grafitti or vandalism

• No destroying of the worlds landscape

• No innapropriate usernames

• No use of 1337 speak

• No power-gaming or meta-gaming will be tolerated.

• You must keep in character

• You must always play in character as this is an RP server

• Abusing of bugs for your betterment will get you banned, that is including block jumping.

• Using soulstones to escape combat or arrest is illegal.-Buildings must adhere to the structural architecture of the area, if you are
designing a new structure it must look functional and attractive. Buildings that block paths, destroy the atmosphere, serve no purpose
or are an eyesore will be removed after a warning.

• To play as an evil or villainous character you must first prove your RP prowess and post a Villain Application following the
guidelines found on the forums here. You may NOT commit any villainous acts such as stealing, murder outside of war, or lying without
a Villain Application. Please read the Villain Rules in the Villain App section of the forums.

• Destroying buildings for no reason, out of rp and not in War is a bannable offense.

• Theft is permitted in moderate amounts.

• No Metagaming, using OOC information IC.

• Disrespecting the Administrators and GMs is unacceptable, you will be punished.

• PVP without RP is against the rules, including fighting with the Undead. This is up to the discretion of the GMs, but typically,
several lines of speech are required for a legitimate RP kill.

• You must use appropriate skins for your character and race.

• If you have any complaints, queries or would like to report misconduct post in the Forums

• You must have a forum account to apply and then play on the server; it is recommended to check the forums frequently

 LoTC Skills
A custom skill system developed by LoTC. Similiar to Ultima Online in created another dimension of depth and progression.  

 LoTC Races
A custom Race and Subrace system.  

 LoTC Character Cards
Every player has a character card that is accessible on rightclick or using /me. It includes information such as Name, Age, Race and proffession.
 LoTC Game Panel
[WIP]Possible to gain through Donations

Allows you to create more advanced buildings and structures such as Gates and Bridges.

 Citizens + NPCS
Allows you to recruit NPCs as your own personal traders, blacksmiths and healers. Have a shopkeeper when you are gone to sell and purchase wares, charge players to repair their armours and weapons at your smithy.  

Allows you to lock and protect your chests from thieving hands.  

Gives you the ability to log in even when the server is full.  

Lets people set up automatic shops.

By now you should be acquainted with the Law and Lore of the Realm. You should also have a general idea on how political systems work in Auslon. Hopefully you will have chosen a Race and Nation you would like to initially join.

The Economy

This is based on the currency "Minas", there are official prices for resources that can be found either he or on the website. The prices are based on demand and rarity. As a trader you are free to sell and buy at any price you wish, however we have these prices as a rough guide for the market so that the Mina retains its value.

 Cobblestone    1 Mina per Block - 100 Minas for 100 Blocks
  Dirt           2 Minas per Block - 200 Minas for 100 Blocks
 Gold Ore       500 Minas per Block - 50000 Minas for 100 Blocks
 Diamond        900 Minas per Block - 90000 Minas for 100 Blocks
 Logs           15 Minas per Block - 1500 Minas for 100 Blocks
 Coal           15 Minas per Block - 1500 Minas for 100 Blocks
 Iron Ore      45 Minas per Block - 4500 Minas for 100 Blocks
  Redstone Ore      65 Minas per Block - 6500 Minas for 100 Blocks
 Sand      4 Minas per Block - 400 Minas for 100 Blocks
 Sandstone      45 Minas per Block - 4500 Minas for 100 Blocks
 Gravel      8 Minas per Block - 800 Minas for 100 Blocks  
  Clay      150 Minas per Block - 15000 Minas for 100 Blocks
 Stone 18 Minas per Block - 1800 Minas for 100 Blocks

Asulon is a new and developing world, you may find prices vary drastically depending on what nation you are in!


The Wilds

These are areas that are not included in the provinces and regions of nations and cities. Unclaimed land as such is susceptible to attack and pillage without protection of said kingdoms. Building and adventuring in The Wilds is highly dangerous as others are able to kill you and pillage your belongings. However, there are hardy folk who have survived in The Wilds, although they do lead a hard life.

Battle and War

Wars may start between Nations depending on their leaders, they can initiate wars using the Towny commands. During Wars theft and murder is gone unpunished. The destruction of buildings that are not in the jurisdiction of the Capital City is also allowed.

The Rules of War


• No returning after death. When you die, you lose ~30 minutes of memory. You also can not return to the spot you died for ~30 minutes.

• No raids or skirmishes on regioned towns and cities without a leader.
When attacking a place, if blocks are broken, you must attempt to make it look like an attack, not a grief attempt.

• Broadcasts are only made by leaders and must be IC narrated and both sides agree ooc as to whats happening in a scheduled ooc event.

• Leaders cannot die in battle perminantly unless previously scripted in OOC.

• War will only be declared when capture or destruction is attempted, not skirmishes or raids. This includes looting.

• If blocked by LWC doors blocked by a region where it interferes with the battle and RP in a skirmish, war can be declared, but a leader must be present.

• War is RP. Yelling and killing will occur. Responses are not required.

The Landscape

Destroying the Landscape is considered Griefing and can be punishable with a Ban. Building structures that do not follow the architecture of the Lore is also punishable with the destruction of the building and a warning. This is to keep a cohesive theme throughout The World of Auslon and allow RP to flourish.

Nations and Towns

With the introduction to the new world Asulon, we bring in the Nation system. Villages, towns, citys and nations all require a set amount of signatures on their charter. The charter should be filled out with relevant lore surrounding the area. Once accepted, they will receive a plot of protected land in which they can create their settlement!

The Creation of Towns and Cities!

Village plot


25x25 land plot
Protected down to Y45


Accepted Village Charter
14,000 Mina
or A benefit for well developed (class A) guilds, on which to create a guild house if they choose

Town Plot
( Diamond VIP's also may use this plot for a noble house in a city, two diamonds may also combine their plots to get bedrock benefits. (lord of a biome etc) )

Protected down to bedrock


Accepted Town Charter
50,000 Mina
Free for Diamond Donators & subject to taxation in conjunction with the nation.

City Plot
( Bedrock VIP also may use this plot to become a lord of a biome in a kingdom region or noble house in a city )

100x100 ( nearest biome, protected and named by the town unless under nation rule )
Protected down to bedrock


Accepted City Charter
100,000 Mina in protected land,( free for bedrock donators)
Free for Bedrock & subject to taxation in conjunction with a parent nation. ( if any )

Nation Plot

Land plot - 500x500ish ( more land could be contested through conquest.)Note: Actual capital would be 125x125 or so.
Protected down to bedrock.


Accepted Nation Charter
Cost: 500,000 Mina ( If in a nation territory, ultimately decided upon by the nation leaders / governmental system.

** NEW **
** Manor Plot **

20x15ish land
ONLY available in cloud temple regions


20,000 Mina
or Diamond / Bedrock VIP

Other notes:

No Plot may be within 200 blocks of one another or 100 blocks from a road.
Town Plot Price is lifted for Diamond VIP's
City Plot Price is lifted for Bedrock VIP's

For those who are interested or intrigued into crossing the realms of existence into The Lord of the Craft you must first complete the following application process. Make sure you read all of our Rules/Lore.

Vote for the server by clicking on the button below.(It'll take you 10 seconds):


Copy and paste the below application form. Fill it in with the relevant information and post it as a new thread here: http://www.lordofthe...on-submissions/

Once posted, you should post your application in this thread, so we know you've actually read all of our post!

White-list times will vary depending on the speed of the application team members. They will decide whether to accept or deny your application. If accepted, a GM will white-list you shortly!

The Application Form looks like this!:

[="#00BFFF"]Out-Of-Character:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Minecraft Account Name:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]How old are you?:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Time-Zone/Country of Residence:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]How much time could you be on the server weekly?:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you.:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are.[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]What do you expect this server will be like?:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: [/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]How did you hear about us?:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you? [/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]In-Character: [/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Character Name:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]What is your Race?:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Your characters ambitions:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]A screenshot of your skin:[/]<br><br><br><br>[="#00BFFF"]Other Information:[/]

We love working on The Lord Of The Craft and for that reason we don't really want monetary gain out of it. However, to keep services at the highest possible level we need to pay for a very expensive dedicated server and web hosting service. Therefore we have created donation plans that will allow you to help us keep the server going and also, gain something back from the server as well. Donaters get Perks. You can Click Here for information concerning Donations.

Wear these Signatures
Simply Copy and Paste the Code under the Image you would like into your signature on any Forum you go to.


<br style="text-align: -webkit-auto; ">

Even if you are still waiting to be accepted, why not join our ever growing community!

WoM Member
WoM Member: 672202
WoM Coins: 1

Ign: monkeyalex123

Hello, I've been recently searching for a good roleplay server that focuses on the economy and after much research I have found yours. I really hope to have fun on this server and to prosper. One thing I'd really enjoy is if there were even more jobs. Thank you.