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WoM Member
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Part one:

As most yet a part of community know that rule breakers avoid confrontation with staffs, there is already a way to fix up this problem a little bit.

I recommend setting up rules to be in-game, while joining the server first time they should appear only one time. If needed, staff can force player to read them (/rules player).


It's already a part of softwares, but i am sure it can be done without any problem.

Part two:

/votekick, i just need it! It's the only way to deal with people, an amount of votes can depend of a kick, more than 4 votes will result in a kick for a player voten for.


Thanks in any way...


Staff Member
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Oh no, I could see that backfiring. For example, four trolls are trolling together, and somebody tells them to stop. the trolls then promptly all /votekick that person and they are kicked. A better solution would be /appeal kick (name) (reason) where (kick) could be replaced with anything else to suit your needs.

Officially Retired
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Have you read how long the

Have you read how long the rules are? o.o

And no to /votekick as it would be abused. There is almost always staff online in SMP.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 360952
WoM Coins: 11
May i ask

How to check if there is any staff on? I mean, to check what people are online?

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EDIT: If I think about it, there was once upon a time if enough people /ignore d a user it would silence them. Dunno if it's still implemented.