Hey im new to World of Minecraft i literaly just made my World of Minecraft acc amd wen i play single player i cant save or load my levels can anyone help me please
WoM Member
WoM Member: 212446 WoM Coins: 10
When in game; press esc, then
When in game; press esc, then save and quit to title OR wait untill the white "saving" on the bottem left side of your screen is gone.
When you close and open the game again, click singleplayer and select the saved world. That's for beta.
But i think you mean minecraft classic, first you have to make an acc, then press esc, save, save file and save. To load; esc, load, load file and select the saved file.
WoM Member
WoM Member: 222624 WoM Coins: 0
He means that in single player on WORLD OF MINECRAFT you cant save. The option isn't lit up.
WoM Member
WoM Member: 232341 WoM Coins: 0
same issue. any way around
same issue. any way around this? they are just not highleted as clickable. kinda a bummer not being able to save anything kinda the point of the game.
just downloaded the most recent version of the game client. anybody know more about it? or if or how you would save.
WoM Coins: 10
When in game; press esc, then save and quit to title OR wait untill the white "saving" on the bottem left side of your screen is gone.