Yes, we have noticed that Realms is not allowing people to log on, there is nothing that anyone can do about this until moujave appears.
Until then, either play smp/another server, or go watch youtube videos for a while, or have a nap, or read a book or.....
Or spend more time on the forums, that sounds good :D
thx jak
I was worried for a bit :/
I need another 100 books then... Off to the LOCAL library! <Which is like 50 miles from me> oh well. :P
Might as well bump this even though it IS in the active topics and people aren't seeing it, moujave has been alerted but he is busy at the moment so continue being patient.
Wish I'd seen this before I'd created a topic like it. Such a noob. :P And Lunick. Thanks. You saved me a few minutes of taking care of my post. I owe ya one.
moujave pls hurry up
I kept thinking i was joining some unofficial server with same name or something then i got link off the website then found this. Thanks and I hope its back on soon, its been a while since iv played and iv never played realms on this new computer. Is anyone is cool enough to email me when its back up? My email is
Ok I'll wait............................. -whistles- ............ lol
moujave is on irc!
Everything is back up and running.
WoM Coins: 1826
Ok thx for telling me and tell us all when its back up plz thx for telling us.