Well, this is more of a graphics and a mouse input issue. It seems like when i type in something (I wanted GamezGalaxy or [MCForge] Faceless Easyrank), and yet it seems like the scroller does not scroll all the way. then when I click on something, it doesnt turn into a blue bar as it usually does. I do not think anythign is broken in the selection, because when i typed in something that will go to the server i want (game > gamezgalaxy), then hit enter, and i'm right there.
This is an actual version that I managed to have not screw up and repeat some servers.
The black line indicates that when i scrolled up, that it kinda didnt wipe those three lines and replace them with the correct servers.
Even though the first doesnt look messed up, It is. The problem with it is that it's in the A's section when it probably is in the B's.
Any help will be nice. Thx.
EDIT: Edited the title, at first I can never think of it, but now I did.
WoM Coins: 29
Hello?? I cannot really play any servers except the one. Please help! :<