Ok, so I'm new to this, and I just downloaded the World of Minecraft flying hack client, but when I open up the menu, I don't know how to add servers! Can anyone help?
Thanks, but one more thing. I have the URL set up and the servers all there, but when I click on the server, it brings me up to something with several different tabs. But whenever I click on anything, like switch or Dump Server, it is blank. Can you explain?
Scratch that, actually I can get into bookmarked servers, but they come up as a singleplayer game. Any answers? Also, the server list s still blank. I'm starting to think it's my connection...
Scratch that, actually I can get into bookmarked servers, but they come up as a singleplayer game. Any answers? Also, the server list s still blank. I'm starting to think it's my connection...
Sometimes some servers are down so instead of showing a message it takes you to singleplayer instead...also if your new at this I would recommend for you to actually look for the server instead. For example if your looking for a World of Minecraft server just look for it the servers are in alphabetical order. Hopefully this helped. ~Ryu
i did that and it didn't work..... can i have some help plz
I keep trying to reload but nuthin happend????
when eva i go into it.. it has no servers can someone help meeee
WoM Coins: 9
sure so here is an example http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp?server=4cc7f281ce00b5e38c878a48cb92e490 thats just a random server that I picked so basicaly you go to a server on minecraft then at the top there will be an URL like that one then you copy it and go to add then hold ctrl+v and it will paste tell me if that doesnt work.