server support
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 69336
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alright so right now i have a server, a basic strait from server, and i have been looking into mclawl and setup a mclawl server but i have a few issues

first of all the video i posted above, what server software is that running on? because i would love to have ladders/torches/ect ect ect in multiplayer, but from what i saw in mclawl i couldn't find any of those items, it looks like multiplayer alpha? can you do that? i have purchased the game but i didnt see any sort of multiplayer alpha server?

secondly is there a way to transfer the server_level.dat into a mclawl server? it looked like it saved them in a .lvl file but is there a way to import maps that you have already worked on?

any help is help and i appreciate it, thanks again

WoM Member
WoM Member: 83104
WoM Coins: 0
Why did you take the server

Why did you take the server down?