i think I am about to go insane been having this problem for a while now.
when I am in single player mode and hit esc and then go in to "generate a new word" to get a "huge" world for my "huge" project :P
the new world starts loading and when it's done, the screen just flickers like crazy and I cant move, I can move the mouse to look around, and thats about it
i tried to save and load/dump and load. This problem seems to happen every time I try to open a new map from single player mode
is their anything i can do to fix this? like start up single player with the dump file or something like that... I really don't want to do this project in the original game :P
please HELP! :)
//sincerely your friendly neighborhood BoooB ;)
its not lag or anything I can fix while tempering with the options.
i wish it was something simple like that
like I said, it happens every time I open a new map when I am already in single player
if it where lag or graphics shouldn't I have this problem when I start wom
even in the original game?
and ofc i have the latest versions of both World of Minecraft and minecraft
does it do the same thing when you generate a small map, or a medium one?
yes when try to go to a different map in singe player EVERY TIME!! :(
it doesn't mater what size i pick or if i load an old map
and its not the memory.
it's only happens in World of Minecraft when i try to open a new map in single player
i have had no such problem in mincraft before only with wom
I seem to be having the same problem too, someone please answer the question so I may add onto my friend's world with flying!
Re-download Minecraft.jar. Thats all I can say.
Download the client but if you already have it idk.
if you've tried everything else then I suggest reinstalling Java.
WoM Coins: 351
Hi bobban2,
Well it seems that your problem is lag. When you load the world change the render distance in the options menu, this will reduce lag as there is not as much strain on your computer.
Hope this helped, if not let me no.