Sk1L4FunZ Ship Contest! :D
***** READ: People keep asking me when the contest is, size limits, when it ends etc.. All I have to say, is READ THE DAMN POST! *****
I know the post looks messy, for some reason when I edited it it went all stupid and I cant fix it..
You can build in teams and join your allocated space together. If you do decide to build in a team however you must make sure that you are ready to stick with the decision of not being able to build on your own because once the decission has been made, you can not change.
- As obvious as it may sound, there will be absolutely no destroying/manipulating other players creations in any way, shape or form. As stated before, you will be granted restricted immediately and will be reported to staff.
- [b] Decypha wanted to do a pixel art ship and had a sook about the maximum size so I am removing size limits, just don't make your ship too big.
- Submarines ARE allowed!
- Airships are NOT allowed!
- Unlike the previous contest, you CAN create pirate ships.
- No offensive symbols. For example: a swastika.
- You can make ONE boat and ONE boat only. If you decide to make a boat and a submarine that is okay, however only one of the two will be judged and it will not increase your chance of winning.
- You may NOT paste a pre-made ship. You must make it from scratch at the time in /realm sk1l4funz 2, which, of course will be re-named /realm sk1l4funz contest
- [

Sure, I'll enter. :D
I'm not on enough to really be able to compete, I would like to though.
I am mainly wondering, for other people's sake, if you can build in a team, more then one building in an area of 1 or 2 spaces.
Also all the /likes for the different realms count together on the player "score" which decides what rank a player's realm(s) are.
you can indeed build in teams and join your allocated space together. If you do decide to build in a team however you must make sure that you are ready to stick with the decision of not being able to build on your own because once the decission has been made, you can not change.
If you decide to do a team build, be sure to notify me so that I can allocate a double-tripple whatever amount of space to your 'team' before the competition.
I am also considering lowering the minimum rank so that even more people are eligable to compete. (Builder +)
(I'l add this to the main post)
[EDIT] - I have changed the minimum eligibility requirement from the initial requirement of having acquired the 'surveyor' rank to 'builder'.
May i join? I am totally Looking for schmes for the Ship, But would a small scale of battleship is ok?
I wanted to join but Pixel art boats of Awesomeness Doom isn't allowed :(
so far for my Titanic :/
So far for the
Blockcism I tell you !!!
- As obvious as it may sound, there
will be absolutely no destroying/manipulating other players creations in
any way, shape or form. As stated before, you will be granted
restricted immediately and will be reported to staff. - Each player has 100 blocks x 50
blocks of space. Height is unlimited, however you may not exceed the
depth of the given water level. - Submarines ARE aloud!
- Airships are NOT aloud!
- Unlike the previous contest, you CAN create pirate ships.
- No offensive symbols. For example: a swastika.
- You can make ONE boat and ONE boat
only. If you decide to make a boat and a submarine that is okay, however
only one of the two will be judged and it will not increase your chance
of winning.
100x50 is very small :P and it sayz nowere Pixels are NOT allowed
imo should be 256x256 and Pixel art allowed :PPPP
Yes Ken, you can join.
Okey dokey
I , Decypha , join your contest !
By the rules of Sk1l4funz :
- As obvious as it may sound, there will be absolutely no destroying/manipulating other players creations in any way, shape or form. As stated before, you will be granted restricted immediately and will be reported to staff.
- Decypha wanted to do a pixel art ship and had a sook about the maximum size so I am removing size limits, just don't make your ship too big.
- Submarines ARE allowed!
- Airships are NOT aloud!
- Unlike the previous contest, you CAN create pirate ships.
- No offensive symbols. For example: a swastika.
- You can make ONE boat
and ONE boat only. If you decide to make a boat and a submarine that is
okay, however only one of the two will be judged and it will not increase your chance of winning.
I will not make my ship to big ^^ 256x2x256 should be aight >;D
I'm glad u posted this cuz I have been working on a secret ship in a secret realm.. ^_^
Eric, you must create the ship at the time of the contest. You aren't allowed to paste a pre-made ship.
What if I made a ship during your old contest? Would that still count?
The old contest is dead, it was never carried out. I created this one to start over and allow a more expanded range of competitors.
I'm backing out of the contest because I'm making my HUGE and DETAILED pyramid and I'm tied up with that. ok? ok...
Well, okay then :P
Oh, I forgot to mention, the texture pack that will be used it an edited version of the "MW2 texture pack" from Lunick's texturepack list.
Can I Enter :D
Depends, are you ranked builder + ?
Sk1lz you could always look at his profile picture, it shows his rank, even if its not up to date it still shows what rank he is at least :P
True dat shiz right there.
I am surv =D
Well then, you are eligible to compete in the contest! :D
=D Yay I'll be there
as it starts on 10 May
will this be at midnight ?
then again GTM+0.00?
or which timezone ?
please enlighten me <3
Thank you
Decy <3
Who cares about time zones.
Lol >.<
me and my friend Triaga would like to join as a team.
Sk1lz ! guess no contest =(
There will be a contest as soon as possible.
Need to wait untill I get my internet back up.
P.S - I'm on at school.
The contest has started.
Everybody go to /realm sk1l4funz contest and start building your ship!
Please tell me your ingame usernames and I will happily add you to the list.
Entries are now CLOSED.
Hows the contest going ? :P
Any sudden updates ? Many ships have been placed yet ?
Give some status update :O :P
I don't even know if it's going to go on... I mean... I am unable to get on to grant the contestants..
I believe I'm the only one granted in the contest realm. That, or people are just lazy... or dead.... or caek. Sadly enough, I'm granted adv so I'm unable to grant other contestants. Disaster contest it is then. :<
If you wouldn't mind to terribly much, might we form a team Xen?
And if I can enter that is.
I warn you , his realm aitn that big :P
@Skilly , You can grant Xenuz admin on the website btw
Wait... are you saying the ship contest hasn't stated.. and i haven't missed it? :O
I'l keep that in mind Decy.
If it's 3 weeks then the 8th of june it should be done.
So finish you ships !
can i join??? please??
WoM Coins: 202
that is all.......