Installing textures easily!
Give me a request and I will do it. Unless it would be offending in any way.
Here is a skin I made
Go to this url to get your skin --->
dang. the link didnt work!
lol ok....
I know everything... well sort of that is...
if the term "shop" is a title and it is free, can u make me a robot skeleton
Got it finshed mellcor :D
were can i download it from?
can you make a ... cat skin lol, I like cats alot.
would it be possible to make a skin of airman from megaman 2
can you make a deadmau5 skin but with the actual ears not just the head... that would be awesome
Lately I've been working on a texture I'd like to refer to as "Godcraft" a texture that gives a godly feeling, and looks better
could u make a kingdom hearts organization 13 person for me? :D like the robe
could u make a kingdom hearts organization 13 person for me? :D like the robe
WoM Coins: 0
Good job. I just want you to relize that many players can figure out how to create their own skin. Here's one of mine: