smp perma banned assigned
2 replies [Last post]
WoM Member
WoM Member: 377836
WoM Coins: 27

i have a question for you all have any of you ever built and hit a perma banned persons area and you cant build anymore im asking all of you if 

1 you have had the smae problem and 
2 is there anything that can be done about this 
i have the first person to have this done to mafia_man is a person that /assigned and got banned as far as i know heis permaed and if so can his /assign be removed dose anyone else have this problem.

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Yes this has popped up before

Yes this has popped up before with someone wanting to build through a banned user's area.

I'll talk to mou.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 212956
WoM Coins: 64
Yeah i posted ages ago bout

Yeah i posted ages ago bout that and i think they added an /unassign for staff in the new update