Hello all!

Some Changes & Additions to the SMP Server:
- Easter Map as been removed, goodbye old friend
- Other Old Map has been removed
- Updates to the Spleef Arena
- Fixed Beds only facing west issue
- Fixed Iron and Snow Golems not spawning (hopefully)
- Tweaked Mob Spawn numbers (again)
- Added Creative World
Now, Creative World Details:
At the moment we are just looking for a select few players to test the Creative World for flaws and any issues that may appear.
We are chosing these testers at random so don't bother begging for a testing position.
More to come!
Stay Tuned
I wish begging was allowed :3
Agreed sir...
Hey lunick... Ranga pride.
I'm excited :D
does this mean it won't be so hard to find squid?
:3 Creative let the old rememberes from Realms move to SMP now :DD
I hope
Sweet! Now I'll be able to start the massive project I have in mind! (It requires alot of mossy cobblestone which is why I haven't done it in SMP)
So, if we are picked, you didn't say how we would be able to tell, or if we could pull out of testing to do more on normal SMP.
If you are picked, you will be told.
nuff said
*does suprised face* CLOSE ENOUGH
So basicaly you're going to be picking people who are on the server at the time you want something tested. As opposed to picking certain people and letting them know when they need to come online and test something.
As far as I can tell, people will be picked if we feel they are trustworthy and would be able to assist us in finding bugs with the system.
Okay, to those who gets picked... I have one thing to say...
If you get picked say in the chat:
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I've been picked!"
That way we will always kill you in PvP because we jelly :3
... Once the clan plugin comes back I'm going to create a clan called The Killers
and kills every player who says he's cool :3
I removed some off topic posts.
Just wondering, how long did it take for the old maps to be removed/deleted or erased? Did it taken days or just minute?
O. I see. Thank you MrSnowGlobe.
good old rm -r on server to remove the warp files
Whatever you are thinking ssfdre is wrong.
My guess is, it probably was just a mouse click of to the trash can.
I would guess just like deleting a regular map. 'This will permanently delete my map. (A really long time!)
And the worlds are gone!
My SMP is not working D"
Make sure to disable /sell and /pay in the creative world. Even if the balances are seperate you can still pay people that are in a different world like the SMP world using creative money. Someone barely found this out on my server.
its already disable i tested it
Nvm then :D
Basically the maps went bye-bye
Im really late to this thread but when people get picked, Cartose will revive PVP be killing the chosen ones :D
Oh ok nevermind cartose you wont have a spree in PVP no more :P
i have a confession to make
i am a minecraft player
got you thinking i was going to say im a tester
You really didnt....
Whos Dan...
hey at lease im trying to make someone laught
You need to try harder then. I didn't suspect for a minute you were going to claim to be a tester...
i can claim the mob system for the overworld /smp map is screwd up
I've been bothering Snow about it for ages, apparently has something to do with a faulty plugin and others have reported it too for that plugin.
been saying it since it messed up the ender ender at day one of that plugin
so out in the open with the bl of 0 digging to get some sand for glass and fillers get no mobs or in a swamp lands looking for slimes also = no spawn so im really saying the plugin has messed up the vanilla aspect of minecraft resulting in 0 hostle mobs spawning without a spawner there and making stuff like gun powered hard to get for fire charges for fireworks or splash potions to cure villager zombies or sime balls for sticky pistons or for maga cream for fire res potions so i say its screwd up and i cant do the projects i want to do such as work on my village wall for 1.5 and complete the ender ender and that needs 10 stacks of sticky pistons
i just think for now till all the bugs are worked out with the new mob spawn rate, just revert it back to default spawn rates so then this way you can still do your thing and the smp overworld can still spawn hostle mobs or use the autoshop to sell the items that mobs drop so then we can still get the items. just my opinon
how do you start playing? im new to this some one help me please
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