When you join, you won't be allowed to build in the city until I see you are being productive outside of the city.
I just got done moving the server to an almost 24/7 desktop.
This server has a lag that comes and goes, and sometimes I screw up something in the permissions and stuff and it takes a bit for me to fix it.
I only spawn water and eventually mobspawners. I'm somewhat cheating atm with the Super Breaker MCMMO ability refresh rate set to high (to build towers and whatnot).
I have a couple mods on this server such as:
Please don't build anything that looks like crap. I'm sure as long as you aren't a gorilla or something you'll be fine. Monsters and animals are set to false until I am asked to change it. PVP is off, but I will soon make it so anything outside the city or not in a residence is PVP. I don't like being killed by crazy rampage madmen. The ranks so far go:
Cityfolk (screws game up atm so they'll come later)
I'll be posting this delicious pasta on MinecraftForum too, if anyone cares.
My buddy's internet is sh*t and has a bandwidth meter and noone connected yesterday, but I'm back at my house with decent internet.
down for the night (USA time)
There are different time zones in the US. It'd help to let us know in which time zone the sever is down for the night.
bump, need more people
im starting on a football stadium north of the city, its too lonely here
cant log on, just says 'connecting to the server'
yeah im in the UK so if its down for the night...
i think the server doesnt work if ur on 1.7, i could be wrong tho. the mods make it difficult to update.
WoM Coins: 134
i cant connect, do you have set whitelist to true in server.properties? or do i have to get whitelisted before i join?